Links to published studies follow.
- 2008 - Evaluation of the GIDEON expert computer program for the diagnosis of imported febrile illnesses
- 2006 - Use of the computer program GIDEON at an inpatient infectious diseases consultation service
- 2005 - Diagnosis of febrile illnesses in returned travelers using the PC software GIDEON
- 2001 - GIDEON: a computer program for diagnosis, simulation, and informatics in the fields of geographic medicine and emerging diseases
- 1999 - GIDEON computer program for diagnosing and teaching geographic medicine
- 1998 - Evaluation of the computer program GIDEON (Global Infectious Disease and Epidemiology Network) for the diagnosis of fever in patients admitted to a medical service
Note that studies largely assessed the ranking of diseases: 'Did the disease listed at the top of the differential diagnosis list reflect the true diagnosis?'
GIDEON® does not make such a claim. In fact, the disease listed at the top of the list only carries a higher statistical probability than other diseases on the list.