Seasonal rates change depending on individual outbreaks, location by hemisphere, and distance from the Equator.
COVID-19, Influenza, or Common cold? Conduct a side-by-side comparison of diseases, up to 10 at a time.
Learn the process of diagnosing diseases - the easy way!
Generate a list of likely infectious diseases with GIDEON's interactive, Bayesian analysis-driven probability engine.
GIDEON First Case Scenario feature was developed in consultation with the World Health Organization. It is designed to identify the initial cases of known diseases in new settings.
Vital signs consist of temperature, pulse, blood pressure, and respiratory rate. The pulse rate can increase in any systemic infection and fails to increase in over 20 infectious diseases.
No! As long as you don't sign out or time out, your progress will remain stored in Lab and Diagnosis modules as you navigate around the platform. Click to read more...