GIDEON® is built on Evidence-Based Medicine through a multi-step process.
1. Evidence gathering
GIDEON® monitors and collects data from National Health Ministry reports, peer-reviewed journals, and periodicals, texts, monographs, international convention abstracts, WHO, CDC, ProMED, and Euro-Surveillance publications; and a daily search of all relevant publications through PubMed. All sources used by GIDEON® are peer-reviewed and backed by scientific evidence. See the list of resources here.
2. Evidence selection
GIDEON® is committed to providing reliable and relevant data to help combat Infectious Disease. The editorial team prioritizes well-analyzed studies that will add immediate value in clinical and educational settings.
3. Critical appraisal
Selected publications are critically reviewed by a team of highly regarded medical scientists which includes practicing physicians and microbiologists. All content is reviewed for validity and relevance.
4. Data entry
As new findings are added, existing data are expanded, and edited for brevity as necessary. GIDEON® makes extensive use of in-text citations, allowing users to view, navigate to, or download all source information, and reach their own conclusions regarding the credibility of those sources if needed.
At the time of writing, the GIDEON® database contains over 250,000 references. See the latest numbers here.
5. Daily updates
GIDEON® database is updated daily, and often multiple times in a given day. See the latest updates here.